It seems as if it’s only been a short period since my last post, and it’s been almost two month. Where did those two months go?
I’ve been busy on a couple of other projects and have let this one just sitting idle. Even though I have been thinking about journalling and in a way that’s exactly what “View From the Shore” can be. Also it could be a part of those projects.
I have done a couple of Photo Posts on my Photography Web site,, on what I have been calling, Drives With Steve. A pretty simple concept, either while on my dives to business functions, or take one with a purpose to take photos along the way. I’m now thinking that I may move that part of that Web site here.
But speaking about time, this past Sunday we spring forward to Daylight Saving Time (DST). I am on board with those who hate the change and would like to see the time change to stop. In Maryland there is a movement to keep DST all year. But as I have learned the Federal Law relating to DST allows state to not go to DST, it doesn’t allow them to stay at DST.
This year, unlike other years, I have had a hard time adjusting to the change. All day on Sunday the clock said one thing, but my mind and body kept saying it was an hour earlier. Then on Monday morning I woke up an hour, by the clock, then usual. I guess I was acclimated to the sun than I thought.
Time has me thinking about the song first recorded by the band Chicago in 1969 for their first album. Does Anyone Really Know What Time it is? The answer is can be either seen as we don’t or that we do. To really know all we need to do is understand the Sun, Moon and Stars.
The Daylight Saving Time post was pre-dated and put up after I wrote this one