Tuesday’s Photo: Shore Peaceful Moment – Chester River

Shore Peaceful Moment - Chester River
For this week’s Tuesday’s Photo I have another recent photo. I have had a YouTube Account for many years, but have never used it. Last week I came up with an idea of doing short one minute videos of Peaceful locations on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and the Delmarva Peninsula.

Yesterday I went to Wilmer Park in Chestertown and recorded the first ‘Shore Peaceful Moment’ video. This photo was shot just seconds before I recorded the one minute sight and sounds of the Chester River. The video will be at YouTube.com/ShoreToBeFun on Thursday morning, March 11, 2021 at 7:30am. My plan is to have a new ‘Shore Peaceful Moment’ on YouTube each Thursday morning.

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About Tuesday’s Photo:
I decided to do a 52 week photo project for 2021. One that will have me posting on a photo each Tuesday.

10 years ago near the end of 2011 I began seriously taking photographs and have taken many over these years. Some I never really reviewed. Others I decided weren’t the best of the batch. Some I planned to go back and re-edit, but for unknown reason I never did. This year I plan to review photographs and edit them, or sometimes re-editing as I seem fit.

As I look at them, I may decide to go back to the location and make an attempt at creating a better photograph.

Tuesday Photo: Middletown Flags

Middletown Flags
Flags are one of my favorite subjects to photograph. Over the years I’ve taken many. This past weekend I shot a few photographs in Middletown, DE, including the flags waving in the breeze at town hall that have the US flag as well as the Delaware State Flag and the town’s flag.

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About Tuesday’s Photo:
I decided to do a 52 week photo project for 2021. One that will have me posting on a photo each Tuesday.

10 years ago near the end of 2011 I began seriously taking photographs and have taken many over these years. Some I never really reviewed. Others I decided weren’t the best of the batch. Some I planned to go back and re-edit, but for unknown reason I never did. This year I plan to review photographs and edit them, or sometimes re-editing as I seem fit.

As I look at them, I may decide to go back to the location and make an attempt at creating a better photograph.

A Vanishing Scene

Photo by SG Atkinson: Old Barn in Middletown

The Delmarva Peninsula has an agriculture heritage. But even with that heritage when traveling throughout the peninsula one will see many old barns that have been discarded, let to degrade and some even being fully coverage by foliage.

This old barn can be seen among the current construction in the middle of Middletown Delaware. One wonders how much longer it’ll be there.

A Delmarva Scene photograph. This photograph is one of the photographs in the 2019 Delmarva Scenes Calendars by SG Atkinson.