My View of the past 123 Days

When I began this I really had no idea of what I wanted to do with it. And here on the 3rd of July in the year 2020, I still really don’t.

Since March 13th my view of the shore has been from my office chair. Looking at my computer or watching TV for many hours of each day. So much different than what I had envisioned the last 122 days to be.

I had a couple of events I was scheduled to photograph including an event scheduled for the evening of March 13th and two productions at Church Hill Theatre. One that was scheduled to begin ‘Tech’ week on March 16th and another that was to start rehearsals on the same day.

Was I depressed those first couple of weeks. You Know it!!

Then near the end of March, one of the networking groups that I attended a couple of times a month went Virtual. And in a way my life returned. I was able to interact with a bunch of people, first twice a week and then when I decided to host one myself.

Even though one facet of my life, I am a photojournalist, was considered essential. I didn’t think of myself as essential. And since a lot of my photography was ‘walk in the park’ and landscapes I still decided to stay inside as spring sprung up around us.

I had even thought that would would use this blog to post my thoughts and such a few days a week, maybe even everyday. Obviously that hasn’t happen either.

For the past couple of week, I have gradually begun venturing away from my desk. Although I have taken a few photographs, I haven’t really gotten back to going out. Not just going out to shoot. Or going out with a plan.

This week I have gone some. But as I sit here typing this I realize that I had scheduled today to be one of those days I’d go out to shoot. Why aren’t I? I guess I have become pretty good at making excuses. And today it’s mainly due to the heat. Am I proud to say this. No not at all.

As the news talks about increasing in cases of Covid-19, I am concerned. I am doing more than I was a month ago, but we’ll just have to see if I do more in July than I did in June.